2021 - issue 31 of La Revue Documentaires - Films textes textures (forthcoming). Joyce Lainé: Pour faire parler la pellicule: Rites of Resistance by MA
28/11/2019 - Université Grenoble Alpes, A Session Dedicated to the Works of Miki Ambrózy, with L’Ecole Documentaires Ardeche Images
5/2019 - Supporting role in establishing the outlines of Sponge Artist-Run Film Lab, at cultural center SODAS2123. Joined as member as of 6/2021.
11/2020 - ongoing - Curator for the Experimental Art and Film Festival “Suspaustas Laikas”. In 2021, I will be presenting programs from the catalogues of Auguste Orts and Light Cone.
2020 - ongoing - Everything Gardens, Inclusive Volunteering E-Courses (commissioned) - art and design direction, social activism
06/2019 - Letters to Friends - workshop with Herb Shellenberger, Rupert Center for Art and Education - Vilnius, Lithuania
18-19/05/2019 - A Mechanical Craft - film programme and workshop with Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, Ozo Cinema Hall - Vilnius, Lithuania
03/2019 - Handmade Emulsion - workshop with Esther Urlus - Baltic Analogue Lab, Riga, Latvia
Spring 2019 — Woodworking Masterclass - afterschool design workshops for students — with Tomas Knizelis and Aurelija Slapikaite — Vilnius, Lithuania
2017-2018 - Round Trip Volunteering - A collaborative web-documentary for nonprofit volunteering organisations. Tutor & editor - Paris, France
24-26/11/2016, Labo Bxl - Basic 16mm Handmade Filmmaking. Tutor - Brussels, Belgium
2014 to present- external member of Labo BxL (Belgium) and Baltic Analogue Lab (Latvia) - independent artist-run film laboratories for the research and production of celluloid-based audiovisual works
3/2015 - Distortion is Truth - the sound of microphones, speakers and re-recording - audio hacking workshop with Johan Vandermaelen - Ghent, Belgium
2014 - Vlaamse Audiovisueel Fonds Grant for the Screenplay of “Granite Point”
02/2014 - HerculesLab - “Listening from Silence” (Foley) - workshop with Elias Vervecken - Ghent, Belgium
10/2013 - Four Films - film programme of LUCA School of Arts graduation films, Cinema Aventure - Brussels, Belgium
Compost Heaps #1
Rites of Resistance
Fabric of Time / Foszló idő
Endgame / Végjáték
The One to be Taken / Home
Five Lives by Silence